Friday, May 11, 2012

What is required?

I am writing more to elaborate a question than to answer one.
Is example enough when dealing with the people in your life?  When do we speak up? Can I continue peaceful day to day relationships with someone I disagree with on a basic moral level?  Can I love someone and not try to change them, even if my beliefs tell me they may suffer in hell?

I am still looking for the answers, but I don't think we can live in this world without our fellow humans.  And humans are flawed.  I am. Very.

My Neighbors are Gay.  Right next door, live two wonderful men who have been kind to our family.  If I had to pick a bunch of people to be on a deserted Island with I would bring them. (beside the point) Political issues do I love them? Leave them be? Do I just say hi and what nice weather, and can you believe those school kids cutting through our yard, as we laugh?  I think yes.
I think Jesus made it clear my job as a Catholic Christian is to love them.  Can I love them if they never change, yes. I know love is sometimes doing the hard uncomfortable thing, but we must be prudent in our decisions.  Do I believe that homosexuality is ok?  I don't, still,  I have no stones to throw.

At the top of this page is the verse "Love covers a multitude of sin" what is sin? I know there are some big theological answers to this, but at it's core, sin comes from a wound. Love heals those wounds, and allows us to become the people we were meant to be.   I know that I may enrage people eluding to the fact that homosexuality is disordered, but, apart from religion,  if you look at the simple anatomical nature of our bodies you can't disagree that it wasn't intended to be that way...

So I pray, and be joyful.  And I hope someday my kind friends next door will wonder, what makes that big crazy catholic family they way they are, why are they different from the angry world around us that is interested in Using and not loving.  Maybe they will ask and I can with sweetness explain.  I also know that if i march over there shakin' my finger at them, I will from that moment on, miss out on their lovely friendship and I will ruin any chances of showing them the love of Christ. 


  1. Beautiful post :) I wish more people would think this way!

  2. A, I have beloved friends who are gay and actively so. People who have been a part of my life since high school. People I love dearly. I have a cousin who is gay, too, and has only just come out of the closet. I get VERY frustrated with other religious folk who seem to demand that I reject those people because of their homosexual sins. Basically, judge them as unacceptable and get them out of your life, because their sin is not the same as mine or yours. I agree with you wholeheartedly, your job is to love and be a witness through your actions, always recognizing that we are not here to judge other persons, and thank God for that.

  3. also check out the article I posted on FB a day or so ago, called "I'm Christian-- unless you are gay."
