Well this busy life has kept me from writing about last weekend!
On Sunday Lily was baptized, chrismated (Confirmation), and received first holy communion. Isaac, Noah, and Jacob received chrismation and first holy communion, and Grace only lacked chrismation. My children have been illluminated! (if this troubles you or makes no sense click here)
I am so excited that the graces of all the early sacraments have been poured out on them. During chrismation Father Danny annointed all of their senses and even their feet, singing "be sealed with the gift of the holy spirit" (i think I have the words right) over and over. In those moments I was washed over with all the wonderful things my children will do in this world.
Following Liturgy our dear friends had a party for us and it was perfect. Lots of people came and I just couldn't stop smiling the whole day. The children still don't quite comprehend all of it, but that is the beauty of the sacraments, you don't have to comprehend them for them to change your soul. Thank you Jesus.
Last night was Academic museum at the kids school. The children displayed projects and dressed according to the subject matter. Parents are allowed to walk the halls and sort of "quiz" the kids. The children always do such a good job and are so poised in their speaking.
Ok. well, for love of my family I need to create some order in my home today. Hubby is doing a retreat this weekend and I will have the monkeys alone. I plan frozen pizzas, movies, and lots of cuddles. I am hoping that on Saturday I can get a picture of the kids in the Texas Bluebonnets before they are gone agian.
I get insanely jealous of family pics in Texas bluebonnets.