We start schooling Monday.
I have been spending more time reading about and pondering all that this year may bring. It is becoming clear that simplicity is the way that will best ease our family into this school year. I have meditated upon the Holy family and how simple and real their life was. I have asked our sweet Lord to pour that simplicity out onto my family. This has helped me to be less complex in my thoughts, let go of reading into things people may do or say, to stop inserting myself into what others are saying. I pray I can listen simply and respond plainly even with regards to interacting with my children while working on school work or correcting faults in them. Watch and listen with plain eyes simply observing, then in a non-complex (with out over analyzing emotions) respond clearly. (I apply this to my sweet husband too)
Baby Lily recently stopped napping well. This sent me into a bit of a worry because I need that time with out my clingy little monkey to spend time, single minded, on a child who may need some extra help with a lesson. I downloaded The Baby Whisperer onto the Kindle. I dove into all she had to say. Much of which centers around respect of your baby and their cues. Paying attention to her so you can know how to direct their actions, sleepy cues lead to napping... I have also learned, over these years now that I have 5 souls under my care, that not every word in any book will help you. Just, (as my mom says) "glean from it what you can use and throw out the rest" :) This book opened my eyes to the fact that I don't expect much of a schedule from myself so therefor I am not creating an environment where Lily knows what to expect next. A baby needs a routine, and I know that this was just the good Lord saying once again "See, it all fits together" homeschooling will put us all on a routine and baby Lily will thrive.
Catholic Heritage Curricula is what we have chosen to educate our littles with. Oh how I love it. All the stories and even the spelling and history are authenticity Catholic. The lesson plans are direct and I know we will have success in this year. I did observe that the 3rd grade reading is a bit advanced for Isaac so I chatted via email with their Mom's support and they helped me to adapt and get some supplemental stuff for him. I love that there is not pressure to make him conform to the level 3. I can work with him where he is until he masters reading and then move on at his pace. It really fills my heart with joy to attend to their needs in this way.
So starting Monday I am going to fight the good fight to wake up before the children and shower and pray and be ready for the day "Wake up before the chaos starts, so it won't" St. Josemaria described the moment of waking as being a heroic moment, don't snooze, get up- be strong...start your day with Jesus by your side.
One of my confessors told me to talk to Mary during the day and ask her "Please keep my little boat from tipping over" I have said this many times since. <3
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