The dicipline of keeping up my blog is a bit of a challenge here lately.
I am excited to report that our school books come today and I can't wait! I wrote a letter to a long lost friend from College this morning and I wanted to record it here so I could have it. It is a lovely account of my children's personalities through my eyes. :)
Hey Robin,
I was excited to get your reply, but alas this crazy life took over and I am just now getting time to properly reply. So to answer your questions...
I have 5 little ones the oldest is Grace, she is 10years old, she is the
mother hen of the house. She is sensitive and kind. She loves to help
out and is enamored with our youngest who is 7 months old. She has a
strong sense of Modesty even beyond my own, honestly. Grace has such a
love for her daddy, some might say she is a Daddy's girl but her and I
have such a special relationship I would be hard pressed to describe her
that way :) She has a natural tendency toward the good.
Isaac is 7, He is a man of resources. He collects items (usually hiding
them in his bed because this is his only space that is truly his own)
he is keenly aware of how much change is in his piggy bank and what
could be purchased with it. He is growing in responsibility and has
such a place in his heart for me and my feelings. Often asking if I am
Ok through out the day or offering to lighten my load. His tendency
toward good, though, is more of a struggle ;)
Noah is 6, oh my...Noah...where do I start. He is so sweet, such a heart
for the concerns of others and so quick to accept correction and make
amends. He is very funny and quirky. His obliviousness to what is
going on around him, proves often times, to be a source of humor for
our family. He feels deeply. He Loves Everyone and talks to everyone.
He has a special innocent affinity for pretty teenage girls, which we
think comes from our years of doing youth ministry..hehe
Jacob is 3. He is my little rigid guy. He has the way he likes things
done and he gets quite agitated if things don't work out like he sees
fit. He is just at an age where he needs lots of extra attention and
kind words for his world to stay on it's proper tilt. He is my sweet
teddy bear of a boy. He wears his heart on his sleeve.
Lily is 7 months and is the light of our home. What a happy smiley
little girl! The children love her and she is my constant accessory :)
always in my arms or I am wearing her in the baby carrier. Grace is
happy to have a sister. I wish I could have recorded the moment Grace
met Lily at the hospital. Her reaction was priceless, I believe it was a
squeal of sheer happiness that I heard.
My life is spent mostly in my home, it's hard to get out these days. I
have lots of supportive friends who have large families. We are
starting home schooling this year. Catholic school, although wonderful,
became too expensive with all these little people to educate. I feel
confident that we will have a wonderful year and leave all the details
in God's hands. Prayers on this subject are welcomed!!
My husband Chris Loves his job. We have had such a journey through
ministry to get to this place for him. Life is good and our Marriage is
my favorite thing about this life!
I enjoyed writing this very much. I hope you enjoy reading all these
details and they aren't too cumbersome. I will love to hear more about you too!
Christ's peace,
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