Thursday, February 9, 2012

A huge responibility!

Oh I had a lovely workout this morning. I love that time to just sorta zone out.  I came home to say good-bye to the hubs and now Lily is sleeping and The boys are playing legos and singing.. :)

I had a little time for prayer, this morning I read a (very) little in the Vatican Council II document "Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People"  it says that the obligation (strong word!) of bringing other people to salvation rests on lay people. I am responsible for the salvation of people around me, that is a truth! When I was doing sidwalk counceling outside of an abortion clinic I did this in a more direct way, I got to actually spend time talking to people who had such wounds in their hearts and tell them that not only do I care about them but the God who made them cares too, in a big REAL way.  Now that I am taking a break from that (sadly it is more than I can handle right now) I have to remind myself that I am doing this through my children, teaching them to be good Christians, loving and kind, and this will spread... reaching outside of my home and touching others (at least that is what I tell myself)...but I am still responsible to do this out in the world, when I can.  I have all the more reason to get out a bit more and interact with the world a little, creating opportunities, just to be kind to strangers so as to let them know they are loved!!  I hope putting this intention out there will help me to hold fast to it

I have been trying to pray The Jesus Payer  it is a traditional prayer in the Eastern Catholic church, similar to what the rosary would be in the Western Church.  A friend and I were talking about it.  It is a way to "pray without ceasing" as we are asked to in 1 Thessalonians. You simply say "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner"  but you say it always, with every breath if you can.  I find my self doing it in the car.  Or at specific times, so I will remember, like when I put on shoes or dress children...  another way to pray without ceasing is to make my work a prayer.  So I am off to do that.  And the Lord knows I have SO MUCH to do. 


  1. I love the Jesus Prayer. It is constantly on my heart...

  2. Beautiful Andrea! I hope it will be constantly on mine too as I practice it more.
