Monday, February 6, 2012

Simple Woman's Day book post

 The Simple Woman's Day Book


Outside my window...It is a beautiful day.  Chilly but sunny and clear. I am going to get the boys out there!! We all need a little sunshine.

I am thinking...about my vocation of love.  I am tired because I have a newborn baby (tired and blessed) but I have been choosing not to rise above the tiredness and be a hero for my family, I instead have been pretty grouchy.  Today I will be the quiet hero for my family in-spite of my passing feelings, so as to create lasting memories and a home of love.

I am thankful...for my husband.  Everyday, I love him more. He is my ultimate helper and makes my life rich, full, and easier!

In the kitchen...I am very blessed today to have a friend bringing Dinner this evening!  How kind of a mother, who has meals to prepare for her own family, to also  prepare one for me making my day easier, I have many loving friends!

I am wearing...A grey sweater and yoga pants,  (I think if I wear workout clothes I will eventually work out:)

I am creating...Stenciled Tea towels for some of my friends to say Thank you for being so generous and such a warming part of my life.

I am going...on a walk, and to the back yard with my boys to play.

I am wondering...when I will start to feel just a little bit pulled together. *sigh*

I am reading...The Domestic Chruch Room by Room, a study guide for mothers
Here is a link to it. I am enjoying it lots.

I am hoping...To have the house in order and smelling lovely by the time my sweet Hubby gets home.  I am also hoping that this will be a Potty Training day of success!! Go Jake Go!! (in the potty, not on the floor or in your pants)

I am looking forward to...My friend Lara (whom I treasure!) is coming over tomorrow morning for a "Bloody Mary" Breakfast (this is true) and then in the afternoon another friend Megan who hasn't met baby Lily yet is going to stop by to see her and me, it will be nice to catch up!

I am keep my mouth shut and my ears open, and I am learning to juggle life and be at peace with dropping a ball here and there but lovingly picking it back up with PATIENCE for myself and my family

Around the house...I made some cleaner out of rose oil and some other ingredents and I have enjoyed cleaning and making the house smell like Roses! It's like Our Lady stopped by ;)

I am pondering...So many things.  As I nurse the baby, I ponder life a lot when the children are new born and how fast they grow.  It is bitter sweet.

A favorite quote for today..."Our Lady was a guest at one of those noisy country weddings attended by people from many different villages.  Mary was the only one who noticed the wine was running out.  Don't these scenes from Christ's life seem familiar to us? The greatness of God lives at the level of ordinary things.  It is natural for a woman, a homemaker, to notice an oversight, to look after the little things that make life pleasant.  And that is how Mary Acted 'Do what ever he tells you'(jn 2:5)."_ Josemaria Escriva in The Holy Rosary Book

One of my favorite things...Green Tea, cold, in my big insulated cup to be sipped all day

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Get Noah back into reading again by printing out the rest of the phonic word list and sitting with him and reviewing.  I also plan to Visit a park we haven't been to in a while.

A peek into my day...The little face that stares up at love love.

(add your picture here)

1 comment:

  1. what happens when you wear workout clothes from my experience is that you grow into them.. lol and they are stretchy... /that is the only thing I can figure because every other time I had a baby I lost the weight now I am so busy I don't get dressed all day unless i leave and i am growing into and out of my workout clothes.
