It takes me two hours to get out the door with all 5 kids, and without Husband. We actually made it to noon mass to meet friends (20 minutes away mind you) and then to a park. I packed a lunch, remembered diapers, and changes of clothes for the potty training Jake and the little spitting up Lily. Mass was doable, Jacob even used the potty there and I nursed Lily. I did have a hard time with the Mass changes since it has been a while since I have been to a Roman rite mass. We went to a new park and thanks to some very helpful friends had a lovely time. Minus Noah "accidentally" pushing Jacob face first into a puddle, he was soaked down to his shoes, but remember,I had a change of clothes for him! YAY! I now would like a stiff drink and a nap.
Traditionally in a Byzantine church women cover their heads. Not with a mantilla as worn in a Latin rite Church but with a larger more flowing scarf. A few (a very few) of them woman at St Basil's wear a head covering. I want so badly for the was of the east to be my ways. I felt uncomfortable wearing a Liturgy vale, like I was some how posing undeservedly as an eastern Catholic...but I did some reading, and ultimately it is an outward sign of an interior disposition. A woman should talk to her husband and pray about it and decide. So for lent, Grace and I are wearing a vale during Diving Liturgy. I did last Sunday (Our lent has started by the way... and the fast is much more strict, almost vegan). I really liked wearing it. I feel like that is a weird way to describe it..."i liked it" but I did. I did find it a little cumbersome as I had to take children to the bathroom and nurse a baby...but as I stood singing the ancient hymns, looking at the ikons (Icons), and the smell of incense in the air, the vale added to the sense of being removed from the world. In our Liturgy you sing "now set aside all earthly cares" it is such a great reminder that we are not of this world and it is not our home.
Ok so a meatless, dairy free dinner. I am off to cook.
I'd love to see you veil! I felt a bit uncomfortable at first in the Latin rite wearing one, but I "liked" it, too. I feel so feminine with it.
ReplyDeleteI agree! It does feel very feminine.