Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Grace is there.

What a week.  I never knew I could be spread so thin yet never leave the walls of this house.  I want to be clear though, I am not complaining.  This first week of homeschooling was a lovely learning experience.  I learned about my children and tons about myself.  And hey, guess what-  I Can Do It!  The weekend has never been so sweet though :)  I also have been wanting to go to bed with the children around 8pm for the first time ever... but that time alone with my sweet husband, after they are tucked in, is to valuable to miss.
  I am grateful to my little ones for being so patient with me.  I am a sinner, imperfect and selfish.  My family loves me in the way My Lord does, past my faults, even embracing the darn things. I am in love with this new life.  It has only begun and I suspect in a few months (or possibly days.) I will be more than ready for a vacation, but I felt like that when they were leaving everyday to be educated by others.   

 I go to a women's group once a month (well most of the time) it is associated with Opus Dei.  At the most recent one, my circle leader talked about "asking for the moon" when it comes to the saint's intersession.  Through God all things are possible.  So I have asked for the intersession of St Margret of Scotland, I want her to fly to the throne of God and tell him that I don't want to yell in my home anymore.  I don't want to be the big mouth scary lady that I can often be when my children  are disobedient.  I am laying it at the feet of Jesus and I know that his plans for me are for a hope and a future, and not for evil or woe (Jeremiah 29:11, our memory verse this week)
She also shared with us a little booklet called "Bright and Cheerful homes" which you can download for free.  I have only read a little, but the conviction of it all...the weight of what we as mothers are intrusted with is big...the most important.  Forming little people to be other Christs in this world, nothing more, nothing less.  Set aside your emotion and do it.  I set the tone during the day in these walls, it will be a place of peace, a soft place to land, a place where the boundaries are clearly set and are enforced with a smile and a strong sense of obligation on my part.  Short is my time with them... I am grateful for this tug from the Holy Spirit. (I am thankful for my husband and partner in this endeavor)

Dancing with Baby... I love what happens in this house when music is on :) <3


  1. Sometimes when I feel I can't be stretched anymore, the Lord finds a way to stretch me just a little further than I imagined. And the grace to deal with that is always there. :-) I think I would/will(?) feel the same way while homeschooling. Thanks for sharing how the Lord is working in the midst of life. <3

  2. Great job Angie! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great little book! Going to share it with others, thanks. :)

  4. Looooove Bright and Cheerful Homes. Opus Dei taught me so much about how to be a woman, a mother, and a wife. I miss that presence in my life.
