Thursday, February 21, 2013

This is how is should be.

Last night a priest friend of ours came over and had dinner.  It was a lovely evening. I made a yummy gumbo and we got to do a lot of chatting and enjoying of the children's antics.  The purpose of his visit was for our 7yr old Noah.  In the Eastern Church a person receives all the sacraments of illumination at once (Baptism, Chrismation or Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist) This leaves the sacrament of reconciliation to be determined by the parents.  Some children are ready early for this sacrament, as they seem to know right and wrong. Some little ones are ready later, just as we learn to walk differently our age of "reason" is not exactly the same. Noah is an old soul, I mean he is all little boy in his silliness, but he seems to be more aware of holiness, and concerned about the things of heaven, than my other kids.
So after dinner, Father and Noah went into a room and Noah got to go to confession for the first time.  After he was done saying a solemn and fervent  "Our Father"  for penance (I peeked into his room he was so sweet kneeling there), we gave him presents and the other children were jumping up and down (Jacob and Lily with out knowing why!) and it was s celebration.  And I just couldn't help think of the "rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents" (Luke 11) I just knew this is how it should be!  I am grateful for last night and the memory it made for our family.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Just need to say

Today is a beautiful day. It's going to be in the 70s and the children are playing outside. Lily and I are enjoying the breeze blowing through the house. This morning we talked about St Bernadette and blessed ourselves with Lourdes water that I got long ago from the spring in Lourdes France. We have a friend from church who spent the night with the boys. It keeps them busy and happy when we have a friend over to play.
Last night Grace and I traveled to a town near by to a consignment sale and got some great deals on clothes and she got a bike (in-spite of leaving hers out and getting it stolen) she's been bike-less for a few months and has been hoping for one. She loves to be outside.
We are visiting the nursing home today. I hope we spread some love!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Joy down in my heart.

My start this time is a question.  What does God want me to do?  He has clearly given me charge of 5 souls.  I know mostly my parenting consists in giving them back to Him.  But the part that I have in my hands, how do I fashion it into what he wants?  I resoundingly hear Him asking of me JOY, be a joyful Christian, a joyful woman, wife and mother. Just as soon as I say Yes Lord, I find my self frustrated and grouching at my children and being critical of my husband. 
I have denied it and tried to do with out it, but I know that the answer is the sacraments.  Confession, go more than you think you should. Eucharist, receive more than Sunday.   Visit our Lord in the tabernacle.  We attend an Eastern rite Catholic Church.  I love it there. The liturgy is so beautiful.  It turns my eyes toward heaven.  I leave Liturgy with a renewed sense of being a daughter of God.  Sadly, though, since I began to attend my little Eastern church I have abandon my fervor for the sacraments. I find myself giving into false humility prompted by Satan at how often I fall. Today during Liturgy I had a loud voice in my head telling me that in my current state I do not deserve to be there.  Then I hear the Lord counter, "My daughter you never deserve to be here, but I love you and you are mine and I want you here" I resolve to seek your grace Lord in the sacraments of your church more often this lent.  "O God come to my aid; O Lord make haste to help me" (Psalm 70:1)