Monday, January 28, 2013

Mondays and other light burdens

   It's that breathing time of day for me.  All the older children have finished their assignments and baby is sleeping and the little messes have been righted.  The kids are now outside "building a robot" which sprung from my attempt at getting Ike to enjoy writing.  We brainstormed a topic, he picked robots.  We researched.  We organized thoughts and ended on that note.  My boy though, of course,  would rather go build the robot so as soon as school ended.   Out he went equipped with the tools he got for Christmas and some scrap wood from a household project.  I am excited to see what he will build.  It also helped me to reflect on how no matter how i try to make the perfect situation for him to be a good writer, he is who he is.  It is a blessing that I can embrace that.   I'm just not sure how to sneak essentials in like, writing, spelling, and reading among the very important boy stuff that naturally goes on around here. I want to teach him the value of glorifying God though his weekends.  *sigh*
   So blah, it is January, it's gray outside, and the next big thing to look forward to is the sacrifices of lent.  (I mean that is good, but ya know...sacrifice is hard!)  I need a shower, I've already had plenty of coffee... so I just need to stick the smile on and find joy in the moment.  I can do that.  So can you.

  They made an airplane on which they drew each member of our family looking out the windows and an airport too :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the gray days of January. They are over in one more day...then comes Feb...but one month at a time!
